“The Untold Wealth of Miguel Ángel Collado: Discovering the Net Worth of a Business Tycoon” 

 February 28, 2023


Miguel Ángel Collado is a renowned business tycoon hailing from the Dominican Republic. He rose to fame in the late 1980s through his strategic investments in a variety of industries. Despite being a private individual, the media has been keen to get a glimpse of his net worth. In this blog post, we will delve into the untold wealth of Miguel Ángel Collado and discover the man behind the money.

Collado’s Early Life and Career

Miguel Ángel Collado was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. His early life was marked by poverty, forcing him to drop out of school at the age of sixteen. However, he was determined to make something of his life and landed a job as a messenger at an advertising firm. Despite the low pay, he learned the ropes and was quickly promoted to an account executive position. Collado soon realized that his passion lay in business, and he started investing in various ventures.

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Collado’s Investments

Collado diversified his investments in media, entertainment, hospitality, and real estate. In the 1990s, he became the majority shareholder of a popular television station, which helped him to gain recognition in the media industry. He also invested in the hospitality sector, owning several top-rated hotels and resorts in the Dominican Republic and Florida. Additionally, he has a considerable stake in real estate, with several high-end properties in prime locations across the world.

The Net Worth of Miguel Ángel Collado

Due to his private nature, it is challenging to determine Collado’s precise net worth. However, according to Forbes, he is worth an estimated $1 billion. His investments and business acumen have ensured that he is among the wealthiest individuals in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, he has contributed significantly to the country’s economy by creating jobs and investing in various sectors.

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Collado’s Philanthropic Efforts

Miguel Ángel Collado is renowned for his philanthropy, particularly in the healthcare sector. He has donated to several hospitals in the Dominican Republic, including Santo Domingo’s General Hospital and Cedimat. Additionally, he has funded the construction of various schools in the country to provide education opportunities to underprivileged children.

Collado’s Business Philosophy

Collado’s business philosophy is centered around taking calculated risks that yield substantial returns on investment. He has a keen eye for identifying profitable opportunities and knows when to exit a failing business. Furthermore, he believes in giving back to society and has always maintained a positive public image.

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Q: What are Miguel Ángel Collado’s investments?
A: Collado’s investments span several sectors, including media, entertainment, hospitality, and real estate.

Q: How much is Miguel Ángel Collado’s net worth?
A: According to Forbes, Miguel Ángel Collado’s net worth is estimated at $1 billion.

Q: What is Miguel Ángel Collado’s business philosophy?
A: Collado’s business philosophy revolves around taking calculated risks that yield substantial returns on investment. He believes in giving back to society and maintaining a positive public image.

Q: Which hospitals have Miguel Ángel Collado donated to?
A: Miguel Ángel Collado has donated to several hospitals in the Dominican Republic, including Santo Domingo’s General Hospital and Cedimat.

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Q: Which country is Miguel Ángel Collado from?
A: Miguel Ángel Collado is from the Dominican Republic.


Miguel Ángel Collado’s investment portfolio, business philosophy, and philanthropic efforts set him apart from other business tycoons. Despite his immense wealth, he has remained humble and generous to his community. His diversified investments have created jobs and contributed significantly to the economy of the Dominican Republic and other countries. Follow the example set by Miguel Ángel Collado, taking calculated risks, giving back to society, and maintaining a positive public image, and you too can thrive in the business world.

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